How to tell if you're buying fake Michael Jordan shoes!

Michael Jordan shoes are very popular and thousands of pairs are sold each year. With the high demand many people are selling non-authentic Michael Jordan shoes on the side. Gullable kids and parents that don't know could be the next victim of someone ripping them off as many of them don't know how to spot the real from the fake, just want the experience of having the shoes. Just recently a major bust was seized of over $50,000 worth of fake shoes in Virginia. Nearly 400 pairs of Imitation Air Jordan's were confiscated after US Agents & Border protection agency noticed a suspicious package coming in from China. The fake Jordan's were headed to an address in Virginia authorities say. Today we will give you the top tips to prevent you from being ripped of as many cons are trying to pass off these fake shoes as real.

There are a number of different ways that you can confirm you’re getting an authentic pair of Air Jordan's. You always want to be safe when buying from people you don't know and it's better to prevent losing out on a few hundred dollars if you're a collector. Most the time the people selling the shoes online will delete their accounts and start a new one so it's hard to keep track and trace who you're buying from if dealing with a scammer. Here are multiple ways to help make sure you don't lose out on money!
1. Examine the Box
2.Check for spelling errors and logo imperfections
3.Look for a manufacturing sticker on the outside of the box.
4.Confirm the nine digit style number on the manufacturing sticker.
5.Examine the label under the tongue. Jordans have a very specific label under the tongue.
6.Check the proportions of the Jumpman logo.Fake Jordans may have an uneven or lumpy Jumpman, with poor stitching and unusual proportions.
7.Inspect the detail around the laces and look for high quality stitching.
8.Research the known colorways for that particular type of Jordans.
9.Avoid buying Air Jordans from an overseas seller.
10. Do you research on who you're buying from
